vendredi 15 octobre 2010

Mini Pizza Boxes

I am a new member of a local scrapbooking forum. These ladies are very well orgazined and there is a place to discover new stuff and guess what, I discovered something! Mini pizza boxes I have never seen these before and I think they're pretty cool! Ready to hold a small gift, some cards, notes, photos... I made the original 4 X 4. It is big enough to hold a mini album or coasters!

Why stop there? So I made a 2 X 2 box and I decorated the top.

And I finaly made a 3 X 3 box and decorated it as a Christmas ornament. The box still open, so I can hide something in there!

I tried to make a 1 X 1 box, but it was too small!
Have a creative Friday!
Michelle *Ü*

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